Lovely and naturalistic, Fairytale Farmette selects the most perfect in-season blooms for your wedding bouquet. Choose a color scheme from our curated style palette, then select either a petite or a grande bouquet design. Each bouquet is tied with our double sided satin ribbon in soft white. Have a special signature color preference or a special ribbon color? Share those details with our farmer-florist, and we will do our best to accommodate your vision. Celebrate your special day with a signature bouquet that reflects the beauty and charm of Fairytale Farmette's farm-fresh flowers.
Wedding Bouquet
- Bold & Bright. Vibrant colors of the season, yellows, bright pinks, reds, or purples. (Please select your preferences in the text field below)
- Coastal. Whites and wheats with blue and coral colored accents.
- Cottage. Soft peaches, coppers, and rust with sage and tan accents.
- Dramatic. Jewel tones in burgundy, eggplant, and dark greens.
- Romantic. Soft pinks, peaches, and whites.
- Woodlands. Forest greens, whites, and rich browns.